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VIA TECH carries out activities focused on waste management and green energy services with the partnership of SOWA Techknology. Patented Thermostatic Crushing Process (SOWA TCP®) technology generates energy from all types of organic waste.

The concept of power plant with a capacity of 2.2 MW electricity and 12-72 MW modular electricity generation capacity without emission and waste water from a ton of waste.

CENEBE Technologies delivers business development and project management services to our business partners and our customers in Turkey as Strategic Partner.



Lead-Acid and Ni-Cad batteries, which are used extensively to meet the need of energy backup and have a significant share in Operator investment and operating costs, are being renewed with our patented technology, we contribute to operational continuity and excellence.

Greater performance with fewer batteries, lowering battery costs in operation.

Increasing energy redundancy and operational continuity.

Reducing carbon footprint (less than 32 Liter CO2  per renewed battery).

Reducing the storage and decommissioning costs of unused batteries within the depreciation period.

Activation of frequently used investment incentives by the use of the battery in its planned lifetime.

Decreasing the transportation and storage costs of scrap batteries by the use of scrap batteries.

Contributing to the support of Indigenous Industry with our SME body.

CENEBE Technology supports with management consultancy, business development and operation management facilities to Sismak Turkey in their operations as as Investor Partner. We are at the service of our customers and solution partners in the telecom sector in to our investment and support.

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